About The Tri-Conference
The Tri-Conference 2025 is an international conference that features the following; International Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (ICODeL), International Symposium on Education, AI, and Cybersecurity (ISEAC), and International Symposium for ASEAN Studies (ISAS).
Face-to-face: UPOU Headquarters, Maahas, Los Baños, Laguna
Via Online!
24-28 February 2025
Thank you for attending and Participating in the Tri-Conference 2025! For the conference and platform evaluation, kindly click on the "Evaluation" tab on the menu bar and answer the evaluations.
Thank you for attending and Participating in the Tri-Conference 2025! For the conference and platform evaluation, kindly click on the "Evaluation" tab on the menu bar and answer the evaluations.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is TriCon 2025?
The Tri-Conference 2025 is an international conference that features the following; International Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (ICODeL), International Symposium on Education, AI, and Cybersecurity (ISEAC), and International Symposium for ASEAN Studies (ISAS).
- When and where will these activities be held? How will the papers be presented?
The events will be held in a hybrid format, maximizing the affordances of different modes of delivery. The events will take place online and at the UPOU Headquarters in Los Baños, Laguna, on 24 - 28 February 2025.
Plenary and paper presentations will be delivered online, while unconference sessions, including a Hackathon and Cultural Festival, will be conducted face-to-face at the UPOU Headquarters. - What is International Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (ICODeL) all about? When will this be held?
The International Conference on Open and Distance eLearning (ICODeL) is a biennial international conference series on open and distance e-learning (ODeL) that will be held on 27 February 2025.
It aims to provide a forum for distance education and e-learning scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to share and reflect on experiences, and collaboratively create and explore spaces and possibilities for development. - What is International Symposium on Education, AI, and Cybersecurity (ISEAC)? When will this be held?
The International Symposium on Education, AI, and Cybersecurity (ISEAC) is a symposium that brings together experts and practitioners from various fields to explore the latest advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity, and its impact on education.
This will be held on 26 February 2025 via online and on-site, at the UPOU Headquarters, Los Banos, Laguna. - What is International Symposium on ASEAN Studies (ISAS)? What is it all about? When will this be held?
The International Symposium on ASEAN Studies (ISAS) is a composite of hybrid (virtual and in-person) activities that showcases the creative and research works of higher education students and faculty from the 10 ASEAN member countries which produces films, multimedia materials, and researches that reflect the narratives of their countries and regional culture.
This will be held on 25 February 2025. - What is the significance of this event? How is this relevant in today’s generation?
Our world today is becoming increasingly interconnected. However, we are also facing a range of complex and interrelated challenges that require from multidisciplinary to pluridisciplinary solutions. Among the most pressing issues we face today are sustainable education, one health, and threats in digital landscapes.
With the theme,“Constancy, Change and Co-existence”, this event will serve as an anchor for the ICODeL, ISEAC, and ISAS. - Is registration needed to join the event? If yes, how?
Yes, you need to register so you can have access to the activities prepared at the conference. You can register online by filling out this form: https://url.upou.edu.ph/TriCon2025-Registration
- Are there any registration fees? What are the payment procedures?
Yes, there are registration fees depending on the number of conferences a person will attend. Registration fees and different payment procedures are given below that cater to both local and foreign attendees.
For 1 Conference:
Online: local attendees must pay P 2,500.00 and US$ 50.00 for foreign attendees
In-Person: local attendees must pay P 3,000.00 and US$ 60.00 for foreign attendees
For 2 Conferences:
Online: local attendees must pay P 4,000.00 and US$ 80.00 for foreign attendees
In-Person: local attendees must pay P 5,000.00 and US$ 100.00 for foreign attendees
For 3 Conferences:
Online: local attendees must pay P 5,000.00 and US$ 100.00 for foreign attendees
In-Person: local attendees must pay P 6,500.00 and US$ 130.00 for foreign attendees
For payment procedure, attendees can deposit their payments to:
For local attendees:
Bank of the Philippine Islands Los Banos Branch – Batong Malake, Los Banos, Laguna Philippines
Account Name: UP Open University Foundation, Inc
Philippine Peso Account No.: 0911 0656 14
For foreign attendees:
Bank of the Philippine Islands Los Banos Branch – Batong Malake, Los Banos, Laguna Philippines
Account Name: UP Open University Foundation, Inc
US Dollar Account No.: 0914 0660 93
Credit card payment is accepted. -
- Can our school send multiple teams to participate in the hackathon?
Yes, your school can send multiple teams to the hackathon. Each team should ideally consist of 3-5 members.
It is crucial to ensure that for senior high school students, there is at least one faculty adviser assigned to each team. This guideline helps maintain a supportive and supervised environment during the hackathon for all participating students.