Topic outline

  • TriCon Organizers

    • UPOU logo

      Established on 23 February 1995, the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU) pioneered in online teaching and learning and continues to play a leading role in the study and practice of open learning and distance education in the Philippines.

      UPOU is envisioned as a leader in teaching and learning in the digital age, helping to equip Filipinos with the knowledge and skills they need for life and work in the 21st century.

    • UPOU FI logo

      The University of the Philippines Open University Foundation, Inc. (UPOUFI) is a non-profit, non-stock corporation registered at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on 7 April 1998. As the support arm of the UP Open University, it initiates, conducts and manages research and other projects in distance education and open learning; publishes and distributes information related to distance learning and the activities of UPOU; cooperates with government or public and private institutions in underwriting, conducting and/or sponsoring projects and/or programs dedicated to the promotion, propagation and enhancement of UPOU’s programs; and gives or administers grants and donations of cash, property, or service to programs and activities that will redound to the benefit and enhancement of UPOU.

    • PSDL logo

      The Philippine Society for Distance Learning, Inc. (PSDL) was formally organized on 25 September 2006 at the INNOTECH Center in Diliman, Quezon City by 15 academic s who were all working at various aspects of distance education. It aims to promote the growth and development of distance learning through knowledge exchanges, policy formulation, and advocacy; promote professionalism in the practice of distance learning in the Philippines; stimulate collaboration among local and foreign professionals and practitioners of distance learning; sponsor scientific meeting and training programs in distance learning on its own or in collaboration with other institutions, including government; and publish and disseminate research results, policy papers, and other scientific materials on distance learning in the Philippines.